All products, once sold are non-returnable. However, exceptions will be made for incorrect product, quantity, damaged/inferior quality products upon delivery of the product. In such case, do report the issue to Allied Asia Resources Pte Ltd (“AAR”) staff through office contact +65 6659 8980 or by emailing to [email protected] within 7 days upon receiving of goods, or 10 days of purchase.
Details to be highlighted during first report.
– Name,
– Contact,
– Product SKU / Model,
– Serial Number, if any,
– Detail description and photo of defect,
– Date of purchase,
– Order number.
All returned products must be returned to us in their original condition with content intact, in its shipped packaging. Defaced serial number will render the immediate void of product warranty.
Item return back to the office
– In person (Preferred method – for on-site testing of defective product in the presence of the buyer)
– Or, mail back through a Courier Service with a tracking number. AAR does not bear responsibility for any lost parcels / damaged mailed-out items sent out via normal mail.
Exchange can only be of the same product, or it’s variant and subjected to availability. You will able to receive a refund if the item cannot be replaced. If delivery has taken place, then the refund will exclude delivery charges paid.